Thursday 7 July 2016

Why You Are Not Making Money On Your Blog.

It’s very appalling how most people dive in to the business of blogging without setting up a foundation, and such people ends up being frustrated when he keeps struggling for years without making a dime.

Here are things you must get done to become a successful blogger.
  • What is your motive for coming into Blogging? : most bloggers comes into blogging with the mindset of making money, without having anything to offer to the readers, such people ends up updating pirated articles on their blog. You can never have a good ranking on Google when you don’t have original and quality products on your blog and your readers’ gets bored when you update them with outdated information. They must have seen your post elsewhere some months/years back.

  • What is your Niche? : Before you start blogging you should decide the niche you want to be blogging on.       When you have chosen a particular niche, direct all your articles towards that niche. For example if you are sports blogger, focus on all about sports. Google will not rank you when you are niche switching, you post about football today and tomorrow your reader comes back to see the latest football news and behold you have changed to politics.

  • Have a good design: Don’t rely on blogger’s default template, you need to customize your design to suite your desired Niche, go for a design with an easy Navigation for your readers. A good design promotes your SEO and also google adsense will never accept you with a poor design.

                          READ ALSO: 16 Blogging Secret Every Blogger should Know

  • Get a custom domain:your readers sees you as an unserious blogger when you are still using the default blogger/wordpress url . You need to buy a custom domain and integrate it to your blog, E.g  To it portrays you more as a serious blogger and increases your Google ranking. Also choose a domain name that matches your niche.

  • Don’t rush to monetize your blog: adsense and some other good affiliates will definitely reject you when your blog is still not up to standard, therefore you should first work on the your traffic, quality of your articles and make sure you have up to 100 quality posts before rushing for adsense, also it is advisable u run your blog for at least six months before you think of monetizing your blog.

  • Quality of Content: it is expected that before you come into blogging you should be a good writer. Your contents should be original and not copy and paste, you can go through different articles on a particular topic online then you combine the ideas, rephrase it and makeup your own piece of article with your own terminologies, that’s Original. Finally you ensure that your post is not less than 300words.

 For more professionalism you can also develop an android app for your blog and make it easier    for your readers to get your updates straight to their mobile phone.


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