Tuesday 27 September 2016

How To Add More Cross Columns To Your Blog

If you are  an adsense user this post is a very useful trick that can help you increase your earnings.
If you are a regular visitor of Linda ikeji’s blog, You might have notice she has  up to 3-4 adverts on her header (Cross column) and would have been wondering how she did that.

Well, I've surfed the net several times to see that tutorial on how to do that but never came across any.
I only saw HOW  TO DIVIDE A HEADER INTO TWO (Which doesn't really make sense to me)
I simply gave up on the search as l couldn’t see what l really needed.
Few days ago as l was playing around with my blog coding l came  across Pagelist1
Which I believe we must have come across in the* Jump to Widget* section

Now lets get into the tutorial proper
  • Open your blogger dashboard.
  • Go to Your Template (Blogger platforms only) and click on edit HTML.
  • Click on jump to widget, you'll see an option that says pagelist 1  then Click on it you 'll be directed to that widget.
  • Place your cursor on the editing area and move up a little bit to where you'll see something like Number of columns = ‘1' "
  • Change it to your desired number and SAVE
  • Also, search for this code below
          <b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'
  • Change the no to yes.

The reason for that is so that "add new gadgets" can show above your header.

  • Then again, find this code below

          <b:widget id='Header1' locked='true'

Change the true to false so that you can remove the gadgets whenever you don't want them anymore.

  • Now you can insert anything you desire on those widgets,  Maybe AdSense ads or direct adverts.
  • Insert them and save.

You'll see it on the desktop version only but you can make it appear on mobile too.

How to make it appear on mobile.

  • Go to that cross column section you inserted the ads and take the Widget ID.  It normally look like (HTML8,HTML9, etc),
  • After getting the widget ID, click expand widget, use Ctrl F to find the desired ID you want and add this code ( Mobile=‘yes' ) to it just after locked=‘false' before Title= blablabla  and save

Reload your blog's mobile view and you'll see it working.

NB: This may not work for some custom templates as you may not find those options listed above.

It may only work for the available templates on the blogger platform provided by Google.


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